creating an attractive workplace

K&H Group considers its employees as its most important resource and is convinced that it will be successful only if its staff are fulfilled, sufficiently motivated and highly professional and knowledgeable. To this end, it aims to create an environment that enables the alignment of employees’ expectations and the company’s needs in all areas of human resource management.

High-quality work and continuous professional development are possible only under the right conditions. As we feel a particular responsibility for our employees, we regularly survey how they feel at the workplace, and how satisfied they are with the benefits and career opportunities offered by us. Each year, we conduct a comprehensive satisfaction survey of all the employees of K&H Group. The survey results are used in multiple areas of our operations, including for designing or updating our incentive schemes.

Our cafeteria scheme incorporates a wide variety of benefits to suit the individual circumstances of staff, and we support our employees in need by offering them preferential loan terms. At K&H Group, we run professional training courses to encourage our employees’ progress and nurture their careers within the company.

training programmes

We offer wide-ranging development opportunities to our employees, stretching beyond the competencies strictly required for performing their present jobs, including courses in professional, personal and language skills.

We support those participating in formal higher-education programmes by providing financial assistance and allowing time off from work.

As we expand our branch network and hire new employees we also step up our efforts with respect to newcomers’ onboarding.

career planning and development

K&H career planning

We facilitate in-house career planning by defining typical career paths fitting K&H Group’s organizational structure and job-related competence requirements.Our career development programmes are another contributor to internal selection and promotions. In every two years we run a round of our Young Talents programme, which offers individual and group training opportunities to twelve to thirteen specialist participants for three years with a view to developing them into middle managers.

We run a new round of our branch manager training programme every year or every two years aiming to train twelve to fifteen participants for a period of two years, primarily to head new K&H branches.

Our Career Starters programme is open to talented graduates, whom we guide through various functions of the Group in nine months and then hire as junior colleagues in the areas best fitting their skills and capabilities.

The post-training questionnaires, feedback from the participants and the results achieved all attest to these programmes’ valuable contributions and overall success.

young mothers programme

We started a new programme called “Welcome back” in 2007 for young mothers spending a long time off from work to keep them updated on the latest issues concerning K&H Group and to help as many of them as possible to return to their original jobs after the time spent on maternity leave, away from the world of work.

internal communication

We communicate actively not just with the outside world but also with our own employees. The key to K&H’s success is in the hands of our colleagues; it is therefore very important for us that they learn about all news concerning K&H straight from the horse’s mouth.

More than that, we make our internal communication interactive: a dedicated electronic forum allows our employees to share their ideas and make suggestions towards improvement, which we welcome and incorporate into our plans.

working conditions

Among others, we pay attention to ensuring that our offices are of the right size, the utilisation of space is optimised, natural sources of light are used, and eye-care computer monitors are installed. In designing our workspaces, key considerations include ergonomics and the application of ‘green office’ principles (which focus primarily on energy saving options in day-to-day office work and the selection of environmentally friendly materials and substances).

In 2022 we took further steps to create the technical and regulatory framework for working from home wherever this is permitted by the nature of the job. All employees were given smartphones and laptops for remote access.

Over 2200 head office staff were given the opportunity to work from home 50% of the time, while our employees at customer service points across the network received an allowance of 13 days per year for working from home.

child friendly workplace

K&H child friendly workplaceIn 2013, K&H received mtd Consulting Group’s “Diverse and Family Friendly Workplace” prize awarded to employers that excel in creating a diverse, inclusive and family friendly workplace and treat equal opportunities, the balance between private life and work and family friendly employment as a priority.

Since July 2013 K&H has made it possible for employees working in its central office building to take advantage, upon preliminary request and registration, of a child friendly office. This office offers a solution to all those who cannot secure babysitting for their children for a few hours or a couple of days. While they are discharging their duties from this office, their little ones are allowed to pass the time in the children’s corner under their own parents’ supervision. 

Having consistently received the Family-Friendly Company and Mentoring Organisation award ever since 2016, in 2022 we also earned the TOP Employer award and the Family-Friendly Workplace certification.

our equal opportunities and diversity policy

K&H is committed to providing equal opportunities to its employees regardless of age, gender, national or ethnic origins, religious or political beliefs, and sexual preference.

gender equality

Equal opportunity for genders is important to us, and we make significant efforts for it. In 2019 we joined the Common Cause campaign, demonstrating that gender equality is part of our fundamental values and organisational culture here at K&H. In recruitment and managerial succession planning, our primary goal is to make all decisions on the basis of competencies, even as we strive for an equal ratio of the genders. Among others, we have launched a series of workshops for women and a mentoring programme to support women working for K&H Bank and K&H Insurance in their career ambitions and further increase their representation in senior management.

Providing equal opportunities for the genders and making appointment decisions based solely on merit has always been a part of our core values and organisational culture. This is evidenced by the fact that, as of the end of 2022, on average 45% of all managers at K&H Group were female. Nevertheless, we will need to do even more to achieve gender parity at the highest levels of management.

In order to provide growth opportunities as widely as possible, we intend to offer special support to our talented and ambitious female colleagues with management potential. Established in 2020, our K&H meNŐk Career School offers advanced training opportunities for our female managers.

Diversity rocks initiative

We believe it is important to provide our employees with the opportunity to actively participate in K&H initiatives supporting equal opportunities, inclusion and diversity.

A team of volunteers sponsored by Gábor Rajna, head of the Business Banking Division, has been working towards this goal since late 2021.

The main task of the team is to devise and implement initiatives to further strengthen the organisational culture of inclusion and promote networking along the common objectives.

The participants have been allocated to smaller groups, organised around the following topics:

-              supporting women’s managerial ambitions

-              supporting the employment of colleagues with reduced working capacity (disability)

-              young people at K&H (community building events)

-              supporting long-serving K&H employees nearing retirement

-              preventing and treating burnout

-              sports