the Bank’s management
K&H Bank’s Board of Directors (1 January 2025)
Peter Andronov (Chairman)
Christine Van Rijsseghem
Peter Roebben
Lajos Beke
Attila Gombás
Elisa Marie Vlerick
Supervisory Board (1 May, 2023)
Krisztina Horváth (Chairwoman)
Zdenek Tuma
Cedric Du Monceau
Ágnes Szombati-Kovács
dr. Mirjana Markovics
Sonja de Becker
diversity of management bodies
K&H Bank promotes diversity in the composition of the Board of Directors (BoD) and the Supervisory Board (SB). The aim is to maintain diversity in terms of know-how, experience, gender and geographical background, in order to ensure that the BoD and the SB can both fall back on a broad base of relevant competences and know-how and receive diverse opinions and input for their decision-making process. The BoD and the SB should have a balanced composition to ensure that they have suitable expertise in the area of banking and insurance, the requisite experience in executive management and a broad awareness of societal and technological developments.
To achieve the targeted diversity, the following rules are to be applied:
- at least one of the (separately in the BoD and in the SB) members must be of a different gender than the other members;
- the members must be of different nationalities, with due account being taken of the different geographical areas where KBC is active;
- three members of the Executive Committee must also sit on the Board of Directors;
- in the Supervisory Board there has to be at least one under-represented gender member also in addition to the employee representative(s).
To achieve our long-term ambition in gender ratio (50/50 balance in the governing bodies), the Nomination Committee of K&H Bank has decided to apply the following approach:
- when nominating candidates to the management bodies, preference is given to candidates of the under-represented gender;
- unless otherwise justified by professional aspects, from among candidates with equal competence and who are otherwise qualified and suitable in every other respect, preference will be given to the under-represented gender of the management body.
Executive Committee
Andrea Király – Head of Retail Division
Andrea Király holds a Master's degree in Commerce from the University of Economics in Bratislava. Since 2003, she has held various positions in marketing, SME, communications and PR. After more than 10 years at CSOB (a member of KBC Group) in Slovakia, she moved to Hungary, where she became Head of Segment Marketing. Andrea was responsible for Marketing and Channel Support from 2020 and was appointed Head of Marketing and Digital Sales. Andrea was appointed as Head of Retail Division from 2 January, 2023.
Attila Gombás – Head of Finance Division
Attila Gombás is a member of the K&H Executive Committee. He joined K&H Bank in 1994 after graduating from the Budapest University of Economics. He has worked at Controlling since 1995 and has been at its helm since 2002. He was appointed head of the Finance and Corporate, SME Credit Management Division in October 2005.
Balázs Németh – Head of Innovation, IT and Operations Division
Balázs Németh has been the head of the Operations, Technologies and Retail Credit Management Division since November 2018, after heading the Change Management Division. Following to his graduation from the Budapest University of Economics, Balázs Németh joined K&H as a senior business analyst in 2001. He was later appointed as head of Controlling and ICT at K&H Leasing. He continued his career as head of Controlling at K&H Bank from 2006. Balázs Németh was appointed as head of the Strategy Directorate in 2011, head of the Strategy and HR Directorate in 2014.
Peter Roebben – Chief Executive Officer (Chairman)
Peter Roebben started his professional career at KBC in 1991 and has enjoyed an international career within the Group. From 2010 to 2017, he was part of the K&H Country Team, first as Head of Credit and HR and later as Head of Business Banking and Financial Markets. Two years later, he was appointed CEO of KBC Bank Ireland. In 2021, he became CEO of the Bulgarian unit. He was appointed as CEO of K&H Group from 1 January 2025.
Lajos Beke – Head of CRO Services Division
Lajos Beke, Senior Managing Director, Head of CRO Services Division and member of the Executive Committee since 1 May 2015. He graduated from the Technical University of Budapest and the Budapest University of Economics. He joined K&H Bank in November 2002 as Head of the Information Technology Directorate and took over the Operations Division in May 2004, which has been operating as the Banking and Investment Products Division since 2008. Since 1 May 2015, he has been head of the CRO Services Division.
Tibor Bodor – Head of Business Banking Division
Tibor Bodor graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Budapest University of Technology and then pursued postgraduate studies at the University of Economics. He has 30 years of experience in the banking sector, of which he spent 14 years at Citibank and 16 years at ING, where he was the CEO of the Hungarian business of the global financial service provider and the head of regional corporate banking activities in Central and Eastern Europe. He was entrusted with the management of K&H's Corporate Division in August 2024, and also became a member of K&H's Executive Committee.