
announcement - for corporate clients

announcement - for corporate clients
Annex 7 - conditions of Széchenyi Card Program Loans and Agricultural Széchenyi Card Construction available at K&H Bank Zrt.

announcement - for corporate clients affected by IT system development

announcement - for corporate clients affected by IT system development
Annex 11 - General terms and conditions of the services available based on a framework agreement and right of disposal over the account
Annex 12 - Bank account product names relevant for clients affected by IT System Development
Annex 13 - Services suspended for corporate Clients affected by the development of IT systems

other announcements

announcement - term deposits for corporate clients
announcement - on investment services and securities
monthly fee discount for the K&H Electra24 Mobile Application service
general terms and conditions of the services available based on a framework agreement and right of disposal over the account
information for cardholders using K&H Bank's ATM network
currency holiday