Dear Customer!
Please note that there is a wave of phishing attack currently underway against K&H customers.
Based on our current knowledge the attackers inform clients in email about unsuccessful incoming transactions. The attackers send the mails from email addresses that falsely appear to belong to K&H Bank (ending with The emails contain a malevolent link that intends to steal your mobile banking login and activation data.
The wording of the malicious mail is below (only Hungarian version is known so far)
„Tisztelt Ügyfelünk,
Az adataiban nemrégiben felmerült hibák miatt nem tudtuk feldolgozni a beérkezo átutalásokat a fiókjába. Kérjük, kattintson ide és kövesse a lépéseket a fiókjának lekéréséhez.
Sajnáljuk az okozott kellemetlenségeket.
Köszönjük, hogy minket választott.
K&H Bank Zrt.”
We ask you to be careful and pay extra attention to your banking and personal data and do not click on phishing links!
Based on our current information the phishing campaign is spreading via email however, we ask you to be careful with messages coming via other channels too (e.g. text message, telephone).