trade on all major stock exchanges around the world

with the expertise of K&H Értékpapír

  • conveniently, on your mobile or desktop
  • trade with our brokers or even independently

why should you manage your investments with K&H Értékpapír?

Wherever you are, you can access all the world's major stock exchanges with just a few taps from the K&H mobiltrader app. We provide professional support for your investments, whether it's analysis or personalised advice.

K&H mobiltrader & webtrader

  • a convenient trading platform on mobile (K&H mobiltrader) and desktop (K&H webtrader)

the most important stock exchanges in one place

  • a wide range of products from low to high risk

favourable pricing

  • transparent and affordable fees to help you calculate your expected returns on your investments

professional support

  • benefit from our colleagues' decades of expertise in the form of investor clubs, analyses and podcasts

what products can I access at K&H Értékpapír?

  • more than 20 000 securities from 31 stock exchanges
  • domestic and international equities and ETFs
  • investment funds
  • certificates
  • government bonds

which foreign stock exchanges are available at K&H Értékpapír?

you can trade on the following foreign stock exchanges at favourable rates:

  • Amsterdam
  • Athens
  • Vienna
  • Brussels
  • Budapest
  • Dublin
  • Frankfurt-XETRA
  • Frankfurt-Parkett
  • Frankfurt-Certificates
  • Helsinki
  • Hong Kong
  • Copenhagen
  • Lisbon
  • London
  • London - International
  • Luxemburg
  • Madrid
  • Milan
  • NY-Nasdaq
  • NY-NYSE-Arca
  • NY-Pinksheet
  • Oslo
  • Paris
  • Prague
  • Stockholm
  • Sydney
  • Toronto
  • Tokyo
  • Warsaw
  • Zurich

how can I open an account with K&H Értékpapír?

you can open your account fully online ont he K&H Értékpapír platform, but it is available only in Hungarian. If you would like to open in person, please book an appointment at our central customer service or at one of the selected K&H branches.

what fees and commissions are associated with my account?

K&H Értékpapír offers competitive and transparent fees that depend on your package and your trading habits.

For detailed information, please contact us.

customer service and appointment booking for account opening / administration:
+36 1 455 1500 (9:00-17:00)

send us your comment or questions via e-mail:

We draw your attention to the consumer protection website of Financial Navigator Advisory of the National Bank of Hungary where you can find useful product descriptions and various applications for comparison (loan calculator, budget calculator for households).

The above marketing communication has been prepared by Patria Finance Hungarian Branch Office (hereinafter referred to as "K&H Értékpapír"). K&H Értékpapír does not provide specific and personalized investment advice through this marketing communication and the information contained herein does not constitute as an invitation or offer to subscription, buying or selling any financial instrument, investment analysis, financial research, investment research, financial, tax or legal advice, thus you should use the information contained in this marketing communication at your own risk. Further details, terms and conditions of the products and services described are set out in our Company's Terms and Conditions, List of Fees and Product Agreements and the Annexes to these documents. Certain conditions exist for claiming the commission discount shown. The operations of K&H Értékpapír are supervised by the Czech financial supervisory authority, the CNB (Czech National Bank), through its parent company, and the MNB (Hungarian National Bank), which is also entitled to act in its capacity in certain areas specified by law.